Purchase Instructions
  1. Images are in Galleries by Horse Number or Name.
  2. Look through Galleries of Your Horses' Number.
  3. Favorite your images by clicking the Heart Icon.
  4. Your favorites will go into a selection you will see in the upper left corner.
  5. Double click on any image and the Purchase window will open.
  6. Choose the image type you wish to purchase from the Downloads or Products list.
  7. If you are purchasing Downloads, just click on your choice.
  8. If you chose a Multiple Download Package, click “Favorites” to show your selections.
  9. Drag your images to the Purchase window, then click Add to Cart.
  10. Now click “View Cart” or “Go to Cart” to complete your purchase.
  11. For an ALL Digitals Purchase - just "Favorite" 1 image and use it to complete the purchase. I will send you a link for access to download any of your images.
Candids, Open Arena, and Awards56 Ziggyplayeddoctwice88 Catahoochie100 A Golden Opportunity101 Mega Chocolat103 Tango105 Aulsosynsational FTF106 Justa Mazing RF107 Rooster108 Revolutionary Step109 Gee Im Invited110 Rol April Wind112 Nu Top Shelf Whiskey113 CR Chics Luv Playin114 Docs Peppy Chex115 Please ExcuseMeBabe116 Son Of A Backroad117 Wilson Triple Spark118 Ted120 Hiya Trooper121 Beckham MF122 Lady Dream Layne123 Gunners Special Lady124 Cookie..Owner125 Too Lazy For Spots126 Smart Freckled Whiz127 Champagne N Wizkey128 RHR Masterpiece129 Hey Jude130 Driftwood Larry131 CR Chics Luv Sparkle132 KTM Gotta Luv A Tuff Chic134 Shining Cinder135 Ill Delight The Boys138 Gacho139 Kootenai140 Freckle Spot141 Gonna Spook Ya142 Blue,143 BSF Tekhailia Sunset144 Millennium Navigator145 High Brows Playgun147 Mr Nocona148149150151152153154155222 Tango...323