Purchase Instructions
  1. Images are in Galleries by Horse Number.
  2. Look through Galleries of Your Horses' Number.
  3. Favorite your images by clicking the Heart Icon.
  4. Your favorites will go into a selection you will see in the upper left corner.
  5. Double click on any image and the Purchase window will open.
  6. Choose the image type you wish to purchase from the Downloads or Products list.
  7. If you are purchasing Downloads, just click on your choice.
  8. If you chose a Multiple Download Package, click “Favorites” to show your selections.
  9. Drag your images to the Purchase window, then click Add to Cart.
  10. Now click “View Cart” or “Go to Cart” to complete your purchase.
  11. For an ALL Digitals Purchase - just "Favorite" 1 image and use it to complete the purchase. I will send you a link for access to download any of your images.
1-Candids1-No Number Jumper101103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120123124125126127128129131132133134